I had a project idea for some open source lithography solutions, and while I do not presently have the time / resources / energy for it, I came up with this name and thought it would fit really well; the domain was cheap and since it was sensible I decided to buy it before it disappeared.
By Alexander Richards (Electrode)
December 2023
On my GitHub page, link above.
Q: Is the domain for sale? A: I do not presently wish to sell this domain (im not a domain thief lol); however feel free to send me offers if you want i guess; no guarantees though
Q: This project sounds cool! Is there anything else on the internet for it? A: No, not yet. If you want to see the inspiration for this, check out Sam Zeloofs' blog posts about it. I believe he also has now started a company around his ideas.
Q: I own the name "austrofab"! A: I did my due dilligence seeing if this name was taken, especially by people already in this industry, and I could not find anything after a solid 5 minutes of googling; if you do own this name, do contact me though